conference paper

Conference/Proceedings15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007)
Start date03.09.2007
End date07.09.2007
AddressPoznań, Poland
Author(s)Kai Clüver, Jan Weil, Thomas Sikora
TitleMultiple-Description Coding of Speech using Forward Error Correction Codes
AbstractA flexible framework is presented which performs multiple-description coding of speech signals with two or more channels. The use of forward error correction codes together with a layered speech codec permits encoding into more than two descriptions without excessive increase in complexity. Results of a formal MOS listening test reveal considerable improvements in robustness as long as base layer quality and the number of descriptions are chosen appropriately. A modification of the original encoding scheme allows trading off bit rate savings against robustness to extreme channel conditions. Different coding schemes can easily be compared using a real-time demonstrator software.
Key wordsMultiple-Description Coding, Speech Coding, Forward Error Correction
