conference paper

Conference/Proceedings15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Proceedings ICIP 2008, October, San Diego, California, USA
Start date12.10.2008
End date15.10.2008
AddressUnited States
OrganisationIEEE Signal Processing Society
EditorRama Chellappa, Bernd Girod, Gang Qian
VolumeOctober 2008
Pages2128 - 2131
Author(s)Matthias Kunter, Philipp Krey, Andreas Krutz, Thomas Sikora
TitleExtending H.264/AVC with a Background Sprite Prediction Mode
AbstractThe latest standardized hybrid video codec, H.264/AVC, significantly outperforms earlier video coding standards. Despite combining improved and new algorithms within this codec, it is still possible to find methods which lead to a higher coding efficiency. We tackle the prediction problem adding a new prediction mode to the codec.
It has been shown that the generation of a background sprite
image containing all the background information of a certain sequence is very useful e.g. for object-based video coding. We use a pre-generated background sprite image for creating a new prediction mode in the encoder loop. For the current frame to be compensated, blocks reconstructed from the background sprite are used beside the remaining modes to calculate the residual. The rate-distortion optimization
decides which mode is taken. Experimental results show
the improvement using the new sprite prediction (SP) mode with the considered test sequences.
Key wordsH.264, AVC, object-based video coding, background sprite generation, hybrid video codec, sprite prediction mode, sp
NoteISBN 978-1-4244-1764-3 ; ISSN 1522-4880
