conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsProceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2009)
Start date07.11.2009
End date11.11.2009
AddressCairo, Egypt
OrganisationIEEE Signal Processing Society
VolumeNovember 2009
Author(s)Alexander Glantz, Andreas Krutz, Martin Haller, Thomas Sikora
TitleVideo Coding using Global Motion Temporal Filtering
AbstractRecent deblocking techniques are based on spatial filtering. We present a new deblocking technique based on temporal filtering of spatially aligned frames. This approach is used in an H.264/AVC coding environment. The algorithm estimates the ideal amount of frames used for temporal filtering at the encoder side. In that way it is assured that the receiver is presented with the best possible visual quality in terms of structural similarity. Theoretical consideration of the problem proves the concept of the new approach. Experimental evaluation shows that the new temporal deblocking filter significantly improves visual quality and reduces bit rate compared to common H.264/AVC deblocking by up to 18%.
Key wordsH.264/AVC, video coding, deblocking, temporal filtering, quality assessment
NoteISBN: 978-1-4244-5655-0
ISSN: 1522-4880
