conference paper

Conference/Proceedings10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2009)
Start date26.10.2009
End date30.10.2009
AddressKobe, Japan
OrganisationSociety for Music Information Retrieval
Author(s)Jan Weil, Jean-Louis Durrieu, Gaël Richard, Thomas Sikora
TitleAutomatic Generation of Lead Sheets from Polyphonic Music Signals
AbstractA lead sheet is a type of music notation which summarizes the content of a song. The usual elements that are reproduced are the melody, the chords, the tempo, the time signature, the style and the lyrics, if any. In this paper we propose a system that aims at transcribing both
the melody and the associated chords in a beat-synchronous framework. A beat tracker identifies the pulse positions and thus defines a beat grid on which the chord sequence and the melody notes are mapped. The harmonic changes are used to estimate the time signature and the down beats as well as the key of the piece. The different modules perform very well on each of the different tasks, and the lead sheets that were rendered show the potential of the approaches adopted in this paper.
Key wordsMusic Information Retrieval, Main Melody Extraction, Audio Chord Detection, Beat Tracking
NoteJean-Louis Durrieu, Gaël Richard: Télécom ParisTech
