conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME)
Start date11.07.2011
End date15.07.2011
AddressBarcelona, Spain
Author(s)Marina Georgia Arvanitidou, Michael Tok, Andreas Krutz and Thomas Sikora
TitleShort-Term Motion-Based Object Segmentation
AbstractIn this paper we present an automatic motion-based object segmentation algorithm for video sequences with moving camera. For every frame, two error frames are generated using short-term motion compensation, they are combined, and a thresholding segmentation algorithm is applied. Recent advances in global motion estimation eliminate outliers in the background area, and thus enable more precise definition of the foreground. We show that employing only the motion information of two adjacent frames we achieve improved results compared with a previously proposed short-term motion-based method and we provide subjective and objective evaluation.
Key wordsmultimedia analysis, object segmentation, camera motion estimation, thresholding
