conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsProceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP2011)
Start date11.09.2011
End date14.09.2011
AddressBrussels, Belgium
Author(s)Andreas Krutz, Alexander Glantz, Thomas Sikora
TitleTheoretical Consideration of Global Motion Temporal Filtering
AbstractA widely used technique to reduce the noise variance of a signal is a
temporal overlapping of several noisy versions of it. It will be shown that
the same idea can be applied for video sequences. Several versions of the
current frame can be aligned using motion compensation that adjacent frames
represent a noisy version of the current frame. In a first theoretical
calculation of this concept combining the temporal overlapping of several
noisy versions of the same signal and a rate-distortion equation, it has
been shown that a theoretical bit rate reduction of 1/2 log2 (N) is
possible. Here, the concept will be advanced to be closer to practice by
adding a model for the motion estimation error. It will be shown that the
derived theoretical equation confirms the practice and models the behavior
of a video encoding environment using parametric motion compensated
temporal filtering very well.
Key wordscompression, Temporal Filtering, Theoretical Modeling, Parametric Motion, Video Coding, Rate-Distortion Function
NoteIEEE catalog number: CFP11CIP-USB
ISBN: 978-1-4577-1302-6
