journal paper

JournalIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
Author(s)Andreas Krutz, Alexander Glantz, Michael Tok, Marko Esche and Thomas Sikora
TitleAdaptive Global Motion Temporal Filtering for High Efficiency Video Coding
AbstractCoding artifacts in video codecs can be reduced using several spatial in-loop filters which are part of the emerging video coding standard HEVC. In this paper, we introduce the concept of global motion temporal filtering (GMTF). A theoretical framework for a concept combining the temporal overlapping of several noisy versions of the same signal is introduced. This includes a model of the motion estimation error. As an important result it is shown that an optimum number of frames N for filtering exists. An implementation of the concept based on several versions of the HEVC test model using global motion compensated temporal filtering shows that significant gains can be achieved.
Key wordscompression, Video coding, higher-order motion estimation, theoretical model, temporal filtering
