conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsWorking Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2012 Workshop
Start date04.10.2012
End date05.10.2012
AddressSanta Croce in Fossabanda Piazza Santa Croce, 5 - 56125 - Pisa - Toscana - Italia
EditorMartha A. Larson, Sebastian Schmiedeke, Pascal Kelm, Adam Rae, Vasileios Mezaris, Tomas Piatrik, Mohammad Soleymani, Florian Metze, Gareth J.F. Jones
Author(s)Pascal Kelm, Sebastian Schmiedeke, Thomas Sikora
TitleHow Spatial Segmentation improves the Multimodal Geo-Tagging
AbstractIn this paper we present a hierarchical, multi-modal ap- proach in combination with different granularity levels for the Placing Task at the MediaEval benchmark 2012. Our approach makes use of external resources like gazetteers to extract toponyms in the metadata and of visual and textual features to identify similar content. First, the bounderies detection recognizes the country and its dimension to speed up the estimation and to eliminate geographical ambiguity. Next, we prepared a training database to group them to- gether into geographical regions and to build a hierarchical model. The fusion of visual and textual methods for differ- ent granularities is used to classify the videos’ location into possible regions. At the end the Flickr videos are tagged with the geo-information of the most similar training image within the regions that is previously filtered by the proba- bilistic model for each test video.
Key wordsmultimedia analysis, placing task 2012, automatic geotagging, hierarchical segmentation
NoteISSN 1613-0073
