conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsAnalysis of video and audio "in the Wild" workshop at IEEE AVSS 2017
Start date29.08.2017
AddressLecce, Italy
Author(s)Volker Eiselein, Erik Bochinski, Thomas Sikora
TitleAssessing Post-Detection Filters for a Generic Pedestrian Detector in a Tracking-By-Detection Scheme
AbstractTracking-by-detection becomes more and more popular for visual pedestrian tracking applications. However, it requires accurate and reliable detections in order to obtain good results. In this work, we propose two different post-detection filters designed to enhance the performance of custom person detectors. Using a popular deformable-parts-based pedestrian detector as a baseline, a detailed comparison over multiple test videos is performed and the gain of both algorithms is proven. Further analysis shows that the improved detection outcomes also lead to improved tracking results. We thus found that the usage of the proposed post-detection filters is recommendable as they do not impose a high computational load and are not limited to a specific detector method.
Key wordsmultimedia analysis, Tracking, Detection
