Conference/Proceedings | INTERSPEECH 2004 - ICSLP |
Start date | 04.10.2004 |
End date | 08.10.2004 |
Address | Jeju Island, Korea |
Author(s) | Nicolas Moreau, Hyoung-Gook Kim, Thomas Sikora |
Title | Phonetic Confusion Based Document Expansion for Spoken Document Retrieval |
Abstract | This paper presents a phone-based approach of spoken document retrieval (SDR), developed in the framework of the emerging MPEG-7 standard. We describe an indexing and retrieval system that uses phonetic information only. The retrieval method is based on the vector space IR model, using phone N-grams as indexing terms. We propose a technique to expand the representation of documents by means of phone confusion probabilities in order to improve the retrieval performance. This method is tested on a collection of short German spoken documents, using 10 city names as queries. |
File | 0769Moreau2004.pdf |