conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsEURASIP-EUSIPCO 2004
Start date06.09.2004
End date10.09.2004
AddressVienna, Austria
Author(s)Nicolas Moreau, Hyoung-Gook Kim, Thomas Sikora
TitleCombination of Phone N-Grams for a MPEG-7-based Spoken Document Retrieval System
AbstractIn this paper, we present a phone-based approach of spoken document retrieval (SDR), developed in the framework of the emerging MPEG-7 standard. The audio part of MPEG-7 aims at standardizing the indexing of audio documents. It encloses a SpokenContent tool that provides a description framework of the semantic content of speech signals. In the context of MPEG-7, we propose an indexing and retrieval method that uses phonetic information only and a vector space IR model. Different strategies based on the use of phone N-gram indexing terms are experimented.
