conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsIWAENC 2003
Start date08.09.2003
End date11.09.2003
AddressKyoto, Japan
Author(s)Hyoung-Gook Kim, Markus Schwab, Nicolas Moreau, Thomas Sikora
TitleSpeech Enhancement of Noisy Speech Using Log-Spectral Amplitude Estimator and Harmonic Tunnelling
AbstractIn this paper we present a two stage noise reduction algorithm for speech enhancement. The speech noise removal algorithm is based on a two stage noise filtering LSAHT by log spectral amplitude speech estimator (LSA) and harmonic tunneling (HT) with spectral subtraction. The performance of the system is measured by the segmental signal-to-noise ratio, mean opinion score (MOS) tests, and the recognition accuracy of an Automatic Speech Rec
