conference paper

Conference/ProceedingsEUROSPEECH 2003
Start date01.09.2003
End date04.09.2003
AddressGeneva, Switzerland
Author(s)Hyoung-Gook Kim, Edgar Berdahl, Nicolas Moreau, Thomas Sikora
TitleSpeaker Recognition Using MPEG-7 Descriptors
AbstractOur purpose is to evaluate the efficiency of MPEG-7 audio descriptors for speaker recognition. The upcoming MPEG-7 standard provides audio feature descriptors, which are useful for many applications. One example application is a speaker recognition system, in which reduced-dimension log-spectral features based on MPEG-7 descriptors are used to train hidden Markov models for individual speakers. The feature extraction based on MPEG-7 descriptors consists of three main stages:Normalized Audio Spectrum Envelope (NASE), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). An experimental study is presented where the speaker recognition rates are compared for different feature extraction methods. Using ICA, we achieved better results than NASE and PCA in a speaker recognition system.
