Conference/Proceedings | EUSIPCO |
Start date | 04.09.2006 |
End date | 08.09.2006 |
Address | Florence, Italy |
Author(s) | Sebastian Knorr, Evren İmre, A. Aydın Alatan, Thomas Sikora |
Title | A Geometric Segmentation Approach for the 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes in 2D Video Sequences |
Abstract | In this paper, an algorithm is proposed to solve the multi-frame structure from motion (MFSfM) problem for monocular video sequences with multiple rigid moving objects. The algorithm uses the epipolar criterion to segment feature trajectories belonging to the background scene and each of the independently moving objects. As a large baseline length is essential for the reliability of the epipolar geometry, the geometric robust information criterion is employed for a key-frame selection within the sequences. Once the features are segmented, corresponding objects are reconstructed individually using a sequential algorithm that is capable of prioritizing the frame pairs with respect to their reliability and information content. The experimental results on synthetic and real data demonstrate that our approach has the potential to effectively deal with the multi-body MFSfM problem. |
Note | E. İmre, A. A. Alatan: Middle East Technical University, Turkey |
File | 0990Knorr2006.pdf |