@INPROCEEDINGS{1163Kurutepe2008, AUTHOR = {Engin Kurutepe and Thomas Sikora}, TITLE = {Multi-View Video Streaming over P2P Networks With Low Start-Up Delay}, BOOKTITLE = {15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Proceedings ICIP 2008, October, San Diego, California, USA}, YEAR = {2008}, MONTH = oct, EDITOR = {Rama Chellappa, Bernd Girod, Gang Qian}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, PAGES = {3088--3091}, ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Signal Processing Society}, ADDRESS = {San Diego, USA}, NOTE = {ISBN 978-1-4244-1764-3 ; ISSN 1522-4880}, PDF = {http://elvera.nue.tu-berlin.de/files/1163Kurutepe2008.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {We propose to stream multi-view video over a multi-tree peerto-peer (P2P) network using the NUEPMuT protocol. Each view of the multi-view video is streamed over an independent P2P streaming tree and each peer only contributes upload capacity in a single tree, in order to limit the adverse effects of ungraceful peer departures. Additionally, we introduce a quick join procedure to reduce the start-up delay for the first data packet after a join request. Continuity index and decoded video quality performance for simulcast and MVC encoding in a large topology under different settings are reported, in addition to the improvements achieved by the quick join procedure.} }