Conference/ProceedingsInternational Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR)
Start date21.06.2010
End date23.06.2010
AddressPovoa de Varzim, Portugal
EditorA. Campilho and M. Kamel (Eds.)
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Volume2010, Part I, LNCS 6111
Author(s)Tobias Senst, Volker Eiselein, Thomas Sikora
TitleII-LK-A Real-Time Implementation for sparse Optical Flow
AbstractIn this paper we present an approach to speed up the computation of sparse optical flow fields by means of integral images and provide implementation details. Proposing a modification of the Lucas-Kanade energy Functional allows us to use integral images and thus to speed up the method notably while affecting only slightly the quality of the computed optical flow. The approach is combined with an efficient scanline algorithm to reduce the computation of integral images to those areas where there are features to be tracked. The proposed method can speed up current surveillance algorithms used for scene description and crowd analysis.
Key wordsmultimedia analysis, Lucas-Kanade, optical flow, fast implementation, integral images, optimization, real-time
NoteISBN: 978-3-642-13771-6
