Conference/ProceedingsProceedings of the 29th IEEE Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2012)
Start date07.05.2012
End date09.05.2012
AddressKraków, Poland
Author(s)Michael Tok, Andreas Krutz, Alexander Glantz, Thomas Sikora
TitleLossy Parametric Motion Model Compression for Global Motion Temporal Filtering
AbstractIt has been shown that techniques using higher- order motion parameters outperform common translational mo- tion compensated prediction for hybrid video coders. A critical issue is the transmission of accurate higher-order motion pa- rameters with as little additional bits as possible to maximize the compression gain of the whole system. For that, we propose a compression scheme for perspective motion models using trans- formation before quantization and temporal redundancy reduc- tion and integrate this scheme into a video coding environment using adaptive global motion temporal filtering. Experimental results show that using the proposed compression scheme for the perspective motion models, the BD-rate can be improved up to 3.5% in average in the higher bit rate range and up to 6.3% in average in the lower bit rate range compared to the latest version of the HEVC test model HM 4.0.
Key wordscompression, Coding
NoteISBN: 978-1-4577-2048-2
