@INPROCEEDINGS{1502Lange2016, AUTHOR = {Lieven Lange and Ruben Verhack and Thomas Sikora}, TITLE = {Video Representation and Coding Using a Sparse Steered Mixture-of-Experts Network}, BOOKTITLE = {Picture Coding Symposium}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = dec, PUBLISHER = {IEEE}, PAGES = {1--5}, ADDRESS = {Nuremberg, Germany}, NOTE = {In IEEE-Explore zugefügt am 24 April 2017! Electronic ISSN: 2472-7822 DOI: 10.1109/PCS.2016.7906369}, PDF = {http://elvera.nue.tu-berlin.de/files/1502Lange2016.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for video compression that explores spatial as well as temporal redundancies over sequences of many frames in a unified framework. Our approach supports “compressed domain vision” capabilities. To this end, we developed a sparse Steered Mixture of- Experts (SMoE) regression network for coding video in the pixel domain. This approach drastically departs from the established DPCM/Transform coding philosophy. Each kernel in the Mixture-of-Experts network steers along the direction of highest correlation, both in spatial and temporal domain, with local and global support. Our coding and modeling philosophy is embedded in a Bayesian framework and shows strong resemblance to Mixture-of-Experts neural networks. Initial experiments show that at very low bit rates the SMoE approach can provide competitive performance to H.264.} }