Conference/Proceedings | ICASSP 2004 |
Start date | 17.05.2004 |
End date | 21.05.2004 |
Address | Montreal, Canada |
Organisation | IEEE |
Author(s) | Hyoung-Gook Kim, Thomas Sikora |
Title | Comparison of MPEG-7 Audio Spectrum Projection Features and MFCC applied to Speaker Recognition, Sound Classification and Audio Segmentation |
Abstract | Our purpose is to evaluate the MPEG-7 Audio Spectrum Projection (ASP) features for general sound recognition performance vs. well established MFCC. The recognition tasks of interest are speaker recognition, sound classification, and segmentation of audio using sound/speaker identification. For the sound classification we use three approaches: the direct approach, the hierarchical approach without hints, and the hierarchical approach with hints. For audio segmentation the MPEG-7 ASP features and MFCCs are used to train hidden Markov models (HMM) for individual speakers and sounds. The trained sound/speaker models are then used to segment conversational speech involving a given subset of people in panel discussion television programs. Results show that MFCC approach yields sound/speaker recognition rate superior to MPEG-7 implementations. |
File | 0781Kim2004.pdf |